
Hey fellow friends, how are you doing? I’m doing alright, other than a bunch of stress from school and butterflies in my stomach from a tae kwon do tournament (California Open) coming up this Saturday. I wanted to tell you about a little ‘epiphany’ I experienced a few days ago at a concert. The concert was of Angela Aki’s, a Japanese singer/pianist/songwriter, who currently studies music at USC (University of Southern California). She sings both Japanese and English songs, so check that out if you’re interested. Anyways, there’s a song that translates as “Letter~To the Fifteen Old You~” which is my favorite out of all her great songs and this song gave me tears when I realized the true meaning.


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Beginning of a Short Journey

Hello! I’m moreofatortoise 🙂 I got my name from the fable The Tortoise and the Hare. I decided to start a blog and share my experiences with you. Enjoy!

Everyone talks about time management. There are many books about it and although this seems cliche, I’ll be writing about my personal experiences with my inability to control time. Most people don’t understand this. We all want to get out of the bad habit in our lives. We all think, “I’ll do that later,” or “I’ll start tomorrow.” And the truth is, they never do!

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